Check stock availability

To check stock availability, or make a no-obligation reservation, please phone your local store directly.

You can find your local branch and their contact details (phone numbers and email addresses) by using our store finder. If you have a product reserved because you can’t come to the store to pick it up, all we ask is that you give us your contact details in the event that someone else wants to buy your product in the meantime.

Please note, our central Customer Service team are unable to provide stock availability information. 

We include all our range online with the most up to date stock information we can supply. Unlike some of our online competitors who process your order then inform you that you have a 6 week delivery wait, we would rather give you the information before you hand over your cash. Due to the high demand for our products and the fact that some of our deals are finite in supply, a few of our lines have limited availability. As a result, products showing as 'In-store callers only' or 'temporarily out of stock' may be available in your local branch when they are sold out on the web, as we always try and give customers who have gone out of their way to make a special journey to one of our stores stock priority.